Saturday, September 5, 2009

seni ukir batu candi

Mengukir kayu bagi para seniman di Bali sudah biasa dilakukan. Tetapi mengukir batu tentu bukan perkara mudah. Namun hal tersebut tidak berlaku bagi para seniman ukir di Desa Batu Bulan, Kabupaten Gianjar, Bali. Kendati cukup keras untuk diukir, lewat tangan terampil para pengrajin batu cadas disulap menjadi karya yang bernilai tinggi hingga laku dijual dengan harga puluhan juta rupiah.

Kerasnya batu tidak menyurutkan semangat para seniman di Bali untuk berkreasi seni. Misalnya saja yang dilakukan oleh I Made Sujaya, pengrajin di Desa Batu Bulan, Kecamatan Sukawati, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali ini.

Dengan tekun, sejak 3 tahun silam ia memahat batu menjadi patung berbagai rupa. Bahan baku batu yang digunakan berupa batu paras bale, batu candi, batu cadas atau batu kali dan batu putih atau gamping.

Pembuatan patung batu ini dikerjakan dengan menggunakan pahat. Hasilnya, selain cukup unik dan indah, patung-patung tersebut juga banyak diminati hingga keluar negeri dan laku dijual hingga harga puluhan juta rupiah.

Misalnya saja untuk ukuran patung 60 centimeter, dijual antara 500 ribu sampai 1 juta rupiah. Sementara patung ukuran 2 meter bisa laku dijual hingga 35 juta rupiah.

"Ukiran batu ini tidak hanya dipasarkan di Bali saja. Namun dari Jawa, Jakarta bahkan sampai ke Surabaya, Kalimantan dan Sumatera". Sementara untuk keluar negeri hampir semua mulai dari Amerika, Eropa, Asia hingga Australia,"

The company BATU KARANG ASRI is named after the founder I Made Erawan. He came from the traditional craftsmen family in Bali. In 8 July 1978 he began his business in stone carving as a realization of his talent. The reason he choose this kind of business is to supply craftwork and support Bali Tourism and Indonesia Tourism as a whole since the idea was from his own idea along with his others friend supports. He started the business from Small store of his own house. He has the goals to support the Bali's art into the world by providing a stone and wood carving for the Tourism whether it is for a gift items or whole sale selling.

For Sand stone regularly called "Paras Bali"- Batu Karang Asri is the first stone carver who uses it. The stone is from Bali. Java has some active volcano, which can supply this kind stone and it close to Bali. Beside the lava stone, we also have product from limestone, sand stone and lava granite stone. By the demand of the market then we also have other product from Wood carvings. Most of the stone that being used are from selected stone in order to provide a quality product.

The company BATU KARANG ASRI is named after the founder I Made Erawan. He came from the traditional craftsmen family in Bali. In 8 July 1978 he began his business in stone carving as a realization of his talent. The reason he choose this kind of business is to supply craftwork and support Bali Tourism and Indonesia Tourism as a whole since the idea was from his own idea along with his others friend supports. He started the business from Small store of his own house. He has the goals to support the Bali's art into the world by providing a stone and wood carving for the Tourism whether it is for a gift items or whole sale selling.

For Sand stone regularly called "Paras Bali"- Batu Karang Asri is the first stone carver who uses it. The stone is from Bali. Java has some active volcano, which can supply this kind stone and it close to Bali. Beside the lava stone, we also have product from limestone, sand stone and lava granite stone. By the demand of the market then we also have other product from Wood carvings. Most of the stone that being used are from selected stone in order to provide a quality product.


Welcome to BATU KARANG ASRI workshop.

If you come to Bali, our paradise island, you will find us - a small and beautiful place at Silekarang, Batubulan, Gianyar - Bali. Here, behind the hill and clear water river, from the lava and river stone, our best artist with their skills and by their hand create many kind of artwork product such as God statue, Angel, Buddha, Lion and many other product. They are specialist in made Balinese style. You can place these product in the garden, in front of your house and anywhere you like. All is your choice. We also could provide a new custom design based on the clients request and plus we would be welcome to arrange the shipment as a plus for you.

The product we have here is also can be made by your order request, and if you like you can see the process step by step directly in front of you. It is fabulous.

We will be very appreciated if you would like to come to visit us. Our motto is 'TO PROVIDE A BETTER QUALITY PRODUCT FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTION'.

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